“To celebrate and promote the safe use, enjoyment and preservation of the Yellowstone National Park backcountry while advocating for its designation as federal wilderness.”
All wildlife photos were taken from a distance using telephoto lenses, excluding moose photo, as moose was in photographers camp. All photos, excluding newsletter photos, were taken within the approximate boundaries of the proposed Wilderness Unit description photo appears with. Images have not been digitally manipulated other than dust removal and color balancing for accuracy on scans of original 35mm slides done by the professionals at F11 in Bozeman, Montana, USA. All text and photography copyright 2014 by Patrick D. Wherritt, Jr. Map and Wilderness Unit numbers are from National Park Service Yellowstone Wilderness Recommendation, 1972. The Yellowstone Wilderness Mag advises obeying all National Park regulations while enjoying the Yellowstone Wilderness.
The Yellowstone Wilderness Mag would like to thank the following individuals for critiquing the series of short stories which comprise the proposed Wilderness Unit descriptions: Rick Graetz, James Halfpenny, Leslie Quinn, Doug Smith and Lee Whittlesey. A thank you is also extended, for various reasons, to retired National Park Service Rangers Mona Divine, Collette Daigle-Berg, and Bob Jackson.